Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Part 2: A Model, Two Cameras, and a Profoto ProDaylight 800 Air

(This article is the second  of a two part series on Profoto's new continuous light products.  To read Part 1 click here.)

The original plan for this particular shoot was to capture stills with flash and motion with continuous light using the same modifiers.  The actual shoot turned out differently from the shoot I had planned.  Two things happened that altered my intention: The Profoto Daylight 800 Air truly “HMI-ed” held my interest; and as photographer Ron Herard, who I had invited to shoot stills, began sharing his observations about shooting with HMIs for the first time, I decided to roll with it: We shot stills and motion simultaneously.   The Acute 1200R pack that I had planned to use for still capture was never turned on.
 To read the entire article click here.